cereal city, u.s.a.
combat & gardening
greece & egypt
learning lessons


/i am

With roots in entrepreneurship that often distracted me from my public education, from a young age I was constantly gaining real world experience through my own ventures. I was fortune to have grown up alongside the internet, and in turn, I developed my skills as they became necessary for whatever it was occupying my mind at the time. Self-taught and self-made has been the story of my life, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’ve learned what I like, and don’t like. I’ve learned what I enjoy, and what I don’t. These are luxurious only gained through trial and error. If time is on your side, I’d recommend you do the same. If you need a more expedited path to accomplishing your goals, leverage the energy that I’ve invested over the years to help you do so.